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DBDictInfo - Provide database statistics

DBDictInfo command allows displaying dictionary statistics about types defined in a dictionary. It lists all complex data types used for storing data an application database or external medium such as binary or CSV files. Beside type name, the tool lists internal type number, current schema version number, indicators for system type, enumeration and persistence as well as internal and external length for instances of the type.

The following is a short summary of DBDictInfo parameters. More details are described in DBDictStatistics in Database Utilities.

DBStatInfo server port dict_path [out_path]


server - server url or IP address

port - port number for the server passed when starting the server

dict_path - The dictionary path defines a file catalog name or the database location on the server, in which case the path must be a valid server path or file catalog name

out_path - file location for statistic output (default is console)