text type
Text types are defining strings of characters with different properties. All text types allow defining a maximum size for the character value, which refers to the relevant number of characters in the string.
- CHAR - character buffer (local 8 bit encoding)
- STRING - 0-terminated string (Latin1 8 bit encoding)
- LATIN1 - 0-terminated string (latin1 8 bit encoding)
- ASCII - 0-terminates ASCII character string
- LOCAL - 0-terminated string (local 8 bit encoding)
- UTF8 - 0-terminated unicode string (UTF8 encoding)
- UTF16 - 0-terminated unicode string (UTF16 encoding)
- UTF32 - 0-terminated unicode string (UTF32 encoding)
- CCHAR - coded character value
For ODMG, C++ and Java compatibility, ODABA supports lower case synonyms for type names as char or string when being used in ODABA Script Interface (OSI)..
Generalisations: basic data type