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DatabaseHandle :: CreateMajorVersion - Create new major version

The function creates a new major version for the database. The timestamp passed indicates, when the current version is to be closed and when the new version will start. One cannot define a time point in the passed for creating a new version, i.e. the time point must be "now" (empty) or a value in the future.

New major versions can be created for databases enabled for workspaces only, when all workspaces are empty (consolidated or discarded).


timestamp und version_nr in der paramaterliste vertauscht.

Return value:  Database object version number ( uint16  )

Implementation details

uint16 DatabaseHandle  :: CreateMajorVersion ( dttm timestamp=dttm(), uint16 version_nr=CUR_VERSION, logical check_mode=YES )
  • timestamp - Date time value Default: dttm()
  • version_nr - Database object version number Default: CUR_VERSION
  • check_mode - - internal feature (not documented) Default: YES