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DictionaryHandle :: CopyExtentDef - Copy extent definition

The function copies an extent definition from one dictionary to another.

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

logical DictionaryHandle  :: CopyExtentDef ( DictionaryHandle &srce_dicthandle, NString &extnames, NString &newnames, NString &targ_struct=NString::Null(), logical transaction=NO, logical retain_schemav=NO )
  • srce_dicthandle - Reference to source dictionary handle
  • extnames - Extent name

    The name contains the name of the extent, only. It does not contain a namespace scope.


    retval checked for const &NString

  • newnames - New name

    String that defines the new name/key for a object that is about to be renamed or copied

  • targ_struct - Target type

    The target type must be passed when the type name for the extent has been changed (e.g. because of a copy/rename operation). The name is passed as 0-terminated string or as buffer with trailing blanks and a maximum length of 40 characters.

    Default: NString::Null()
  • transaction - Transaction option

    When passing true the function creates a transaction while operating.

    Default: NO
  • retain_schemav - Retain schema version

    This option indicates, that the schema version from the source type should be copied (true). When the option is false, the schema version for the target type definition is set to 0.

    Default: NO