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Change sort order (CO)

The command allows changing the sort order for the current collection. In order to get valid index names for ( the collection, LO may be used.


  • key_name - key name for an index defined for the collection. When no key name is passed the default order is set.
  • gen_attr_val - optional to the key name a value for generic orders (usually language) can be passed in order to change to a language dependent index.
  • -Dn - re-direction to other data source.
  • -Cn - re-direction to other collection in the hierarchy or in the data source referenced by -Dn.


  co key_name [gen_attr_val]-Dn -Cn


  co sk_name         // set collection order to index 'sk_name'

  co                 // reset default order

  co sk_name English // set collection oder to key 'sk_name' for Englisch

  co -C0             // reset default order in collection 0 (top

                     // collection)