run Software-Werkstatt GmbH
RUN Software is a software development company and provides general solutions and development tools as well as complex business and administration applications. RUN Software collaborates with companies all over the world.
Co-operation with other companies is of quite big importance because RUN Software is first and foremost a development company. There is a close cooperation with Informatics Consulting GmbH, Berlin and the Refeus group, who did main parts of the industrial test for ODABA and ODE. Close relations exist also with Space Time Research ltd., that is well-known for fast aggregation system Super Star.
Since 2011, RUN Software is active partner in the open source network Berlin.
RUN Software mainly concentrates on three kinds of activities:
- Development of complex business and administration applications
- Research
- Development of database systems and development tools
An essential part of RUN Software activities is research work. RUN Software has published several works about database theory. Together with several national statistical offices from Europe and USA RUN Software has developed the method of Terminology Model, which is an excellent mean for problem analysis. Basically RUN Software is developing terminology-oriented database software and tools.
RUN Software has been working actively in different research projects and international working groups. Several projects concerning statistical metadata have been supported by RUN Software as the EuroStat projects DOSIS (Integrated Metadata Management Systems), METANET and METAWARE. Two Neuchâtel groups for defining statistical knowledge structures based on Terminology Models have been moderated by RUN Software. Last but not least, several articles have been published at scientific conferences.
RUN Software solutions are based on a high technological standards. Thus, RUN Software is able to provide solutions for complex problems with a minimum of resources. The following examples refer to typical ODABA applications developed by RUN Software.
1994-1998 RUN Software had been invoked in developing a complex counting system for MITROPA AG (later DSG), which includes contract management and controlling of money flows as well as an interface to SAP.
Another important project was the development of the Bridge system within a research program of EuroStat from 1997 to 1999. The integrated metadata system Bridge has been introduced central statistical offices of Norwegian, Sweden and Switzerland. 2008 the successor product MetaS has been released.
For Transparent GmbH & Co. KG, RUN Software has developed an internet database application, which supports users working at different cities by accessing application data located on a Internet server. Even though large data amount needs to be accessed, applications are still fast. The system supports also automatic data import from several web sites, document management and problem-oriented email management.
Since 2014 ODABA is used as development tool by modis GmbH (Berlin).
Since 2015 several tools based on ODABA development are used by BSH Hausgeräte (Berlin) and Siemens (Berlin).
2015 an ODABA application has been provided on an IPC on Strombär (Stromnetz Berlin GmbH)
2017 a complex system for controlling business processes in "delikatessen Requisiten Fundus Berlin" had been launched.
Development support
An essential part of activities is the development of the terminology-oriented database management system ODABA and appropriate application development tools (Object Development Environment - ODE). ODE is an RAD (rapid application development) tool, which allows reducing the development costs up to 80% and more.
ODABA and ODE tools are available as Open Source software (GPL). ODABA and ODE tools are platform independent and may run under Linux and on different Windows platforms. Applications developed with ODABA development tools are, in general, platform independent.
ODE tools and the ODABA GUI framework are based on Qt (Nokia), which provides a platform independent GUI interface.
During last years, detailed development work has been focused to Active Data Link (ADL) and content driven applications, which provides enhanced features for GUI application development. Another topic has been the Internet database server, which provides technologies for distributed database access via Internet. A comprehensive research topic was dedicated to storage independent database access (Object-Relation Mapper - ORM) and XML databases, which allows storing data in MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle or ODABA databases and XML files, without changing the applications. Although, RUN Software is developing database software and development tools, RUN Software mainly provides complex applications for different types of business processes and administration tasks. RUN Software has special experiences in developing applications with complex structure (e.g. metadata systems for statistical offices or complex administration systems).
RUN Software's database and development tools are available as Open Source products.
Theoretical background
Development is based on two theoretical principles, which have been discussed in three essential papers. One is the Terminology Model, which represents a synthesis of natural language approaches, terminology standards as ISO 1087 and object-oriented database requirements. The impact on object-oriented (or better terminology-oriented) database design has been discussed in detail in "Real Objects" (Addison Wesley, 1996). Finally, Unified Database Theory provides a common database theory, which covers key/value stores, relational and object-oriented databases, but also data warehouse models. It is also the theoretical background for an ODABA object-relation mapper.