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Property :: accessMode - Access mode

The access mode defines the permissions for accessing a property handle. When the property handle is invalid the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Access mode ( odaba::AccessModes  )

Access mode for a property handle or database.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get access mode
    odaba::AccessModes Property  :: accessMode (  )

    The function returns the access mode currently set in the property handle.

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  3. Set access mode for handle hierarchy
    odaba::AccessModes Property  :: accessMode ( odaba::AccessModes eAccessMode )

    The function allows changing the access mode for a property handle. This requires that the database object access mode is higher or equal to the mode that is going to be activated. Changing the access mode for a property handle also changes the access mode for all subordinated property handles (for the currently selected data type).

    One may always change from higher modes (Write, Update) to lower modes (Read). Changing from Read to Update or Write mode is, however, restricted. Changing access mode also applies to all subordinated property handles.

    One may change the mode in any directions for extent property handles and for property handles referring to update-able relationships. Changing the mode for non update-able relationships or references, however, is possible only to Read or Write. Changing to Write is possible only, when the parent property handle is opened with or set to Write.

    Changing the access mode will cancel all subsequent property handles and change the mode to the mode requested for the current property handle.

    Property handles running in block mode can be accessed Read-only. Change mode will fail when attempting to change the mode to Update or Write in this case.


    For weak-typed collections subordinated property handles for selected instance (cueent data type) are affected, only.

    • eAccessMode - Access mode

      Access mode for a property handle or database.

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  5. Set access mode (for related property handles)
    odaba::AccessModes Property  :: accessMode ( odaba::AccessModes eAccessMode, bool bRelated )

    The function allows changing the access mode for a property handle. This requires that the database object access mode is higher or equal to the mode that is going to be activated. Changing the access mode for a property handle also changes the access mode for all subordinated property handles (for the currently selected data type). When true has been passed in bRelated, also access modes for cursor copies and related path property handles are changed.

    One may always change from higher modes (Write, Update) to lower modes (Read). Changing from Read to Update or Write mode is, however, restricted. Changing access mode also applies to all subordinated property handles.

    One may change the mode in any directions for extent property handles and for property handles referring to update-able relationships. Changing the mode for non update-able relationships or references, however, is possible only to Read or Write. Changing to Write is possible only, when the parent property handle is opened with or set to Write.

    Changing the access mode will cancel all subsequent property handles and change the mode to the mode requested for the current property handle.

    Property handles running in block mode can be accessed Read-only. Change mode will fail when attempting to change the mode to Update or Write in this case.


    For weak-typed collections subordinated property handles for selected instance (cueent data type) are affected, only.

    • eAccessMode - Access mode

      Access mode for a property handle or database.

    • bRelated - - internal feature (not documented)
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