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MP3Frame :: id - MP3 frame identifier

(copied from

The frame ID is made out of the characters capital A-Z and 0-9. Identifiers beginning with "X", "Y" and "Z" are for experimental frames and free for everyone to use, without the need to set the experimental bit in the tag header. Bear in mind that someone else might have used the same identifier as you. All other identifiers are either used or reserved for future use.

When the frame is invalid, the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Name ( odaba::String & )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get frame identifier
    odaba::String MP3Frame  :: id (  )

    When the frame is not valid, the function trows an exception.

  2. to list
  3. Set frame identifier
    odaba::String MP3Frame  :: id ( odaba::String &sName )

    The frame identifier passed must contain exactly four characters. When the frame or the frame identifier is invalid, the function throws an exception.

    • sName - Name
  4. to list