Edit file content
File content may be displayed or updated with an internal or external file editor. The internal file editor may be used for editing text files up to 1 MB. External file editors are usually called for non text files or larger files.
For text files, the content may be edited directly in the text box below. When updating data that is not owned by the selected test suite or test case directory, the data will be localized automatically, i.e. the updated content is not stored in an upper test suite directory (data, actions or extended sub directory), but in the corresponding sub directory of the currently selected test suite or test case. In order to update data for parent test suites, one has to select the test suite owning the file.
For removing localized files, the delete action bay be used. In this case, the file owned by the test suite or test case directory is deleted and a corresponding file in the next higher test suite directory will be displayed in the edit window.
The file editor supports the actions described below.
External editors may be called directly via this action. In order to call file editors via file extension, a file association has to be defined in the system. When this is not the case, an ODABA file association may be defined in the ini- or configuration file in. Finally, one may define a test browser file association by adding a section with the extension name and define a variable CALL below, that provides the external editor function call (see FileEntry::Edit() in "TestBrowser Programmer's Guide").
Localizing the file will create a copy of the file in the appropriate sub folder (data, actions or expected) of the current test suite or test case directory. When the file does already exist in this directory, nothing will happen.
The action can be used for clearing the complete file content. It does not delete the file but stores an empty file. When the file is not owned by the selected test suite or test case, it will be localized before being updated.
When the file is owned by the selected test suite or test case directory, it will be deleted. Other wise, the action does nothing.