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Plot Resources

Plot requires the ONLG Plot Hints user control to be installed. It is required to provide Jqplot from with the default plugins and load the configuration JavaScript.


  if ( window.wkc ){





function setPlotData(plot_data){

    dbg.m("plotting data...");

    // set the plot height based on the amount of series

    $('#plot_area').css({'height':  plot_data.labels.instances.length*30 + 100 });

    plot_area = $.jqplot('plot_area',plot_data.series,plot_data.config);



function populatePlot(input_data){

    return {

      series: input_data.series

    , config: {

          stackSeries: true

        , showMarker: false

        , title: input_data.labels.title

        , seriesDefaults: {

              renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer

            , fill: true

            , rendererOptions: {

                  groups: input_data.series[0].length/5                  // extra margin between count/groups

                , barDirection: 'horizontal'



        , legend: {


            , location: 'ne'

            , placement: 'inside'

            , labels: input_data.labels.series


        , axes: {

              yaxis: {

                  renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer

                , ticks: input_data.labels.instances







  wkcj = {


    , init:function(){

        wkjc.self = this;


    , setControlData: function(data){

        dbg.m('processing data (' + data.length + 'bytes)....');

        dbg.obj('json', data);

        var obj = JSON.parse(data);//'{"name":"1"}');



    , infoException: function(message){

        dbg.m('exception: ' + message );


