BaseContext :: executeThread - Execute action in a thread
The function executes the action passed in sFunctionName in a separate thread. Depending on the wait option, the thread will start as asynchronous thread (bWait=false) or as serialized thread (bWait=true), which will start only when no other serialized thread is running. There is only one queue for synchronizing serialized threads. Asynchronous threads will start without waiting for serialized threads. Serialized threads will not wait for asynchronous threads.
When a context object is going to be destroyed, it calls the virtual stopThreads() function in order to terminate all active threads.
When the context handle does not refer to a valid context instance the function throws an exception.
Implementation details
- cFunctionName - - internal feature (not documented)
- bWait
- Wait option
When true is passed, the submitting process or thread is forced to wait un til the submitted process or thread has finished.